
Live the life that you’ve imagined.

i came back hopeful and full of ideas and energy.

i thought coming back i could make a difference in things. i didnt think i was a know-it-all or my ways were right, but i thought i could help.

now im wondering what’s the point?

what’s the point when i can barely help myself. with each time i feel as though im becoming less of me. where was the me a year ago? where was the girl that felt like she could make changes? she was left across the world, where she was surrounded by people who inspired her and supported her and loved her.

i want to be with her again.

i want to be selfishly, be me again.


We cannot be happy if we expect to live all the time at the highest peak of intensity. Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.

Don Charisma

«We cannot be happy if we expect to live all the time at the highest peak of intensity. Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.»

— Thomas Merton, 1955

DonCharisma.com-logo-4Charisma quotes are sponsored by DonCharisma.com – you dream it we built it … because – “anything is possible with Charisma”

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Happy roll.


I want to continue to be the happy person that i’m seen as.

I want to make those around me feel easy and joyful, i want to see their smiles and hear their laughs…

because that i feed off of that positive energy. its helps me grow to be a better person, to learn from my mistakes and to learn how to care for others.

But how can I continue to stay that way, when behind the theatrical scene, is a messy backstage. Behind the set up is someone who has cant even balance and manage her own happiness. She can’t even begin to pinpoint where to begin to attack the issue, much less try to drown out the noise and patch the hole up.

I’m starting to judge myself as to how real I am.

I dont want it to become a habit of coming here to dump my negative thoughts out..but this is the only place I feel secure with saying anything I want. Where I am not judged as someone with emotional problems, with family problems, with A Problem. There really isn’t anyone you can truly depend on in this world. Everyone is busy with their own plate full of problems. Why suffocate other’s with yours?

I haven’t felt so exhausted in awhile. I woke up this morning and stared at the ceiling for the longest time. My whole body felt drained, I couldn’t get myself out of bed. Its been years since I felt this way. Why did I choose to come back and surround myself with all this negativity?

People say you choose who you want to be. And that’s true, at some extent. You can’t be someone you want to be, if every day people stop you from becoming that.

At least I cant.


When Someone Becomes Yours

“…When someone becomes yours, there are no problems or arguments; there are only discussions. There is no need to explain the love, you just feel it. When someone becomes yours, their worries, sadness and happiness all become yours.

When someone is yours, the joy that comes with sharing the positive results of life becomes even more enigmatic.

When someone becomes yours, there is no you and I; it’s us. We present ourselves to the world together. Dynamics change, and our love for each other grows. We don’t need to say anything; we understand. We don’t need to understand anything; we can just feel.

When someone is yours, you are that someone’s; you can never feel lonely ever again.

If you filter down to the basic human emotions of care and love, unpolluted by the modern thought process and societal expectations, feeling close to someone is the most rewarding sense in the world; it gives meaning to your life.

Open your heart; open your mind. Embrace each other, and let the world unfold in front of you.”

Taken from When She Becomes Yours


Precision Cut Leaf Artworks by Lorenzo Duran

i appreciate effort and dedication



Lorenzo Manuel Durán is an artist from Cáceres, Spain. It wasn’t until 2005, at the age of 36, that Durán would fully pursue his passion for art and nature. Starting with more traditional oil paintings, he found himself inspired one day by a caterpillar eating a leaf. The moment propelled him to try cutting a leaf with a scalpel. That was 200,8 and the rest is history.

Through a lengthy process of trial and error, Durán has developed his own leaf-cutting technique, taking great care not to ‘spoil’ the leaf during the cutting process. His main tools are a surgical scalpel and dental-pointed device that helps him remove the cut parts from the leaf. Most of his ‘canvases’ are collected from areas right around where he lives/works.

Having completed both group and solo exhibits in the last few years, Lorenzo shares his work on his own website as well…

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Couple Turns Engagement Photos Into Epic Series of Movie Posters

this is super cool.



When Joshua Watson and Rachel Watson got engaged they wanted to have some fun with their engagement shoot. With the help of their friend and photographer Jordan Nakamura, they recreated a series of movie posters and television show promo posters.

The various posters were used to provide information for their upcoming wedding, such as a ‘save the date’ card, ceremony information and reception details. According to Nakamura, full-size prints of the movie posters were made and now hang at the couple’s home. The project has been shared on both Joshua’s and Jordan’s tumblr pages.

[via PetaPixel]




How I Met Your Mother

engagement photo movie posters jordan nakamura joshua watson rachel watson (2)

Concept and Design by Joshua Watson and Rachel Watson
Photography and Editing by Jordan Nakamura



An Engagement / An Education

engagement photo movie posters jordan nakamura joshua watson rachel watson (1)

Concept and Design by Joshua Watson and Rachel Watson

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