Travel, Work

tim hortons

at work

suppose to be doing some drawings but im totally slacking because i got 5 hours of sleep last night and I also have been running around to various meetings allllllllllllllllll day long.

brains feeling kinda dead and i’ll still have to hit the gym later. almost fell asleep at a meeting earlier today too.

this post is totally meaningless but i thought id just come here and blab because at the just killing time.

Zzz. i wanna sleep.

i also want a shoulder rub. hurts like hell.

its only tuesday..lesigh. they should make people in hong kong only work 4 days a week. drifting drifting….

i want to go on a vacay again…but i need to save up for a new place. 2014 ill get a place for my sis and myself at _______________

then things will be better. for her and myself.


o and im missing tim hortons.

which reminds me of my time in toronto last month. reminiscing.

Zzz. i want a cinnamon raisin bagel. Zzz….


Life, Music, Work

Work hard, play even harder.

My worries for today is that I’ll pass out at work.

I went to Lady Gaga’s concert last night and boy was it amazing. When i went to her concert for the first time about three years ago, I was blown away. Back then she had her first disk out and was at the preflight of her global epidemic. I was fortunate to watch it in a smaller concerthall back home in Vancouver, which means for the ticket price, I was closer to proximity that I would be now. Three years ago I thought it was the most spectacular concert that I’ve been to. Last night she proved me wrong.
Though she played songs I’ve heard the first time in addition to her new tracks, I didn’t feel a bit like a was in a deja vu. Everything was different. New props, new hidden meanings, new dances. Her stage set up was phenomenal. A castle that held the live band and opened up, rearranging into various formations.


I especially loved a part where it lit up into a rainbow spectacle. All I could say to my friend was WOW.

Her performance was undoubtedly perfection. Not only does she serenade the crowd with her vocal talent, but she really knows how to get the crowd involved. Once she says “raise your hand!”, the crowd, and myself, obediently follow. She loves to get close to her fans and wear all the clothing that they toss to her.


There is no way in hell that you would just sit through her concert. Everyone gets so pumped up, it’s hard to resist moving your body to the beat. I felt like I was at a ginormous club/theatrical performance/musical.

I’m so glad my friend made me accompany her. Watching it the second time did not make the experience any less unique.

Off to work now! With a lack of sleep from last night. Haha. Great way to start the week.


Career, Food, Friends, TTIL, Work

TTIL #15

What a week.

It’s been kinda crazy with running what isn’t 2, but 3 projects at the same time.

Last night, i had a bit of a freak out situation with both projects just before I called it a night. So after unsuccessfully resolving the issues at there are still many decisions pending, I went out for a drink with some friends.


Nothing a bottle of wine, a mediterranean platter and good company can’t fix.

Met up with a couple of archi collegues and had an interllectual chat about career and passion. It’s interesting where we ended up today. Seems like just yesterday we were slaving away on our laptops only to be crushed during our reviews the next day. O and of course, my collegues stealing my cup noodles put of desperation for food.

Great memories. Wouldn’t have made it without them. Cheers to endless support.

TTIL, Work

TTIL #12

Ok so maybe I lied a little about doing a TTIL everyday.

It’s hard, lifes getting so busy now. Which I’m not complaining about though. Another week has ended, I’m on my way home feeling accomplished and satisfied ๐Ÿ™‚

Which brings me to my TTIL for today… Having a good relationship with the boss.

I had an amazing week working my butt off for two projects I’m juggling at the moment. During the week I felt like I really had the opportunity to show my boss my capabilities. I can sense that his trust for me grows every day and as a result, we are building a stronger employer-employee relationship.

A few days ago, he offered me an eggtart. It was such a simple but sincere gesture that meant a lot to me.


Today we had an awesome talk about photography. He asked if I’d like to photograph and produce an archive for one of his completed projects. We shared our amazement to HTC’s new commercial that featured commercial photography while skydiving.

He introduced me to Tony Macย and I’m so glad he did because his photography is spectacular. Hearing my boss talk about how much he appreciates Tony’s work was so inspiring.

We also had a small intellectual talk about Frank Gehry and his new creation, Opus.

The bonding time made me feel even more lucky to be where i am. i have no clue how i qualified for the title I’m given, or what he saw in me during the interview, but words can not express how grateful i am for this opportunity. every day at the office is hectic, but every day i leave feeling super blessed and successful.

i think thats the way an employer-employee relationship should be. be respectfully honest and frank, with nothing to hide.


got my key today ๐Ÿ™‚
