Beauty, Celebrities, Movie

Amanda Seyfried

on my plane ride back to 852, i watched the movie, In Time with justin timberlake and amanda seyfried.

the movie was alright, i was much more captivated by the red colored bob that amanda sported. though it was only a wig, i was extremely captivated by it. she looked absolutely gorgeous, mysterious and super sexy at the same time. a part of me wanted to dye my hair red even more after watching the movie.

o em gee.

hawt scene with JT

other than drooling at how hot she looked, the whole time i was wondering “how the hell is it possible that she runs around in those 4 inch heels throughout the whole movie”

love her shoes

run run run

everytime i watch one of her films, i am amazed by how far she’s come.

from this... this... this.

and this

and this and this and this and this.


im lost in her big blue/green eyes and those super full lips. i wish i had light colored eyes, it really draws attention to the face.

films that she participated in:

Mean Girls
Mama Mia
Dear John
Letters to Juliet
Jennifer’s Body (the making out with Megan Fox film)
Red Riding Hood
In Time

thought none of her films/roles are exactly award nomination worthy, she is nonetheless one of my have actresses at the moment.


2 thoughts on “Amanda Seyfried

  1. Becca says:

    I keep wishing she would do something more meaningful… No more stupid romcoms! She’s got the potential, or at least I’m hoping for it ;P

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